Xido 1.0
Youtube ripper application
With this application you can download videos from Youtube as you browse the actual Youtube website. It will download videos directly to a folder with the same title as in the website.
- Download (link below)
- Unzip the file
- Run xido.exe
- Browse to a video on the website
- Click on the television button to download the video
You must have the .net framework 2.0 installed in your system for Xido to run. The application notifies the user of a completed download by yelling "toasty!" (like in Mortal Kombat 2) you can disable or change this by deleting or replacing the toasty.wav file.
This originated from an unfinished post regarding embedded flash video. This is a quick and dirty personal app.
Download Here
Nifty little app my man! I love the fact that it doesn't need a formal install and it autosaves in its own folder. For a dirty ripper this shit is good!
Very sweet, D. Of course as always, I do have my suggestions. Any way to include a few customizable options.. such as raising the download limit past 2?
Also.. why FLV? You're completely screwing up my multimedia setup here. Why not go with an extension I can use with Winamp or WMP? ;)
Otherwise, any recommendations on a player that allows for decent fullscreen and playlist capabilities? Best I could find was "FLV-Player S", but I'm having to completely change my video setup to make it work out.
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